wallpapers of kate winslet

Posted by marwan saide

 wallpapers of kate winslet

Kate Elizabeth Winslet was born in Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom, United Kingdom on October 5, 1975. Best know for her role in Titanic playing socialite warm-blooded passenger in the arms of the lower classes and artist, Leonardo DiCaprio. While Leonardo was sunk into the Atlantic Ocean is cold, he survived to tell the story.
 wallpapers of kate winslet

Kate was born into a family of thespians. Acting is in his blood and he started young. At the age of 11, he can be seen dancing in the honey monster, commercial cereal for the kids.
 wallpapers of kate winslet

Acting take lessons and a bit part in the soap opera, she got a break at the age of 17 in the cast as an obsessive teenager in Heavenly creatures (1994). The Film is based on the true story of two gripping fantasy girl doing brutal murder. His role was praised by critics despite the film having a limited distribution.
 wallpapers of kate winslet

 Before Titanic, Winslet plays a role in feelings and sensibility, Jude and Hamlet won a British Academy Award and nominated for the first. More recently the appalling curls (1998), Holy smoke (1999) and Thorn (2000). Kate Winslet has been nominated several times for an Academy Award but last night was the first time he won the award for her role in The Reader.
wallpapers of kate winslet

Winslet, 33, received more recognition on the awards circuit for "The Reader" netting her additional Trophies at the Screen Actors Guild Awards and British Film Academy Award for her portrayal of Hanna Schmitz-a woman having a passionate affair with a teenager who encounters her again years later while she is on trial for Holocaust crimes.